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Row 4 (and Absent)

Peter Badman

 Peter died on 26 August 2008 in the Saint Clair Park Residential Centre, Dunedin, which is an adult care home, catering to individuals with complex needs, including mental health, addictions, dementia and aged care.
Howard Barnes

Click here to see John at work on his property

Living in Invercargill

h.k.barnes at woosh.co.nz

Charles Bates 


Living in the Philippines. After leaving Marist I moved to Christchurch where I spent a year at St Bedes before entering the seminary. I later moved to Dunedin and then Whangarei. Very involved with softball there – playing, coaching and as an administrator, including a period as President of the Softball Association for the area north of Auckland. Became a professional bridge player, including writing on bridge for many publications and newspapers. I attended an International Bridge tournament in the Philippines, teaming with three other players from around the world. I eventually moved to Manila 30 years ago where I was heavily involved with playing and coaching bridge and softball. I was offered a softball coaching position at the International School of Manila. What initially started out as a short-term contract eventually lasted for 7 years. I then took up a position as Director of Student Activities at Brent International School, Manila. In this role I am responsible for every subject that doesn’t involve a grade. This includes organising international sporting, debating, etc. tournaments and much travel throughout the Asian region. I am twice married and have two sons, one in Australia and the other in Christchurch. I still play some bridge but am now more interested in golf.

charleybates at gmail.com

Gus Beullens

Living in Nelson Bays.

Owner operator of Gustaves Menswear in Nelson. Married Mary (Donaldson) and have 4 children and 8 grandchildren. Keen fly fisherman, and All Black supporter.


gm.beullens at gmail.com

John Bewley

Click here to see the photo of John's family

On leaving school I took up the butchery trade.I worked at a number of shops around Invercargill till about the end of 1972. I then bought a butcher shop in Nelson and took my wife (Barbara Rogers ) and 3 kids with me.
In 1983 I remarried to Liz my present wife.We have two children who are now both 15 Jasmine and Krystal who we follow around the country to swimming meets and netball games.
My first 3 children Tony lives in Aussie, Mark is an accountant in Wellington, and Rachel who lives in Richmond just out of Nelson all keep in touch We have 6 grandchildren 2 to each of them.
At present I am in charge of a Supermarket butchery in Nelson city and Liz has her own business in land information.
When I get time I like to go fishing and diving and also like to play the odd game of golf.

John died on 3 January 2025. after a long illnes 
with motor neurone disease. You can see his obituary at


Kevin Boyle

I was truly astounded to receive a call from Jim Hair. Congratulations Jim and Allan for such a good idea and the hard work. I wish that I had been able to get to the reunion. Maybe next time!
I had a wonderful first career. NZ Tourist Dept mostly in Invercargill and Wellington. I travelled a lot in NZ and other countries. Did the OE and in the early 1970’s travelled widely though Middle East and Europe. Settled down in late 70’s and have been very happily married for over 45 years. One beautiful daughter, works in the Queensland Premier’s Department
I held a number of positions in NZ and I was posted to the NZ Tourist Office in Brisbane in 1985. Regional Manager. Very enjoyable, challenging 5 years. EXPO88 particularly, was a fascinating 6 month experience. My career came to an end in 1990 with closure of NZ Tourist Bureaux. Rogernomics. Back to Wellington. The dreaded redundancy. Returned to Queensland’s Gold Coast in 1992 to financial hard times for a f
ew years. Did a number of jobs. I discovered that sales are not at all my thing.
I joined Queensland State Government in 1996. Started at the bottom again. Took all opportunities offered and finished up as a Senior Policy Analyst working mostly in the Department of Industrial Relations and also the Department of Justice and Attorney-General. I worked in a number of areas mostly to do with the review and development of legislation and regulations. I really enjoyed the job
Along the way I obtained some training and educational qualifications including a teaching qualification and a post grad programme in public sector leadership
I retired in November 2017. I spent the last 7 years with the Queensland Government working on policy and legislation mostly related to workplace safety issues including electrical safety. Really interesting work, covering such things as scuba diving, white water rafting, and the safe design of cattle trucks which transport large numbers of cattle across great distances in Queensland. I worked with a huge range of advisors and inspectors. I had great colleagues, many of whom I am still in touch with
I am enjoying retirement and have reached the stage where I can sit and read a book without feeling that I should be doing something. Gym three times a week helps me with fitness and social groups, as does church and some community work. I’ve also written a family history/memoir of growing up in a post-war Catholic small city in NZ. Something for the grandchildren to ponder over in future years.
Our two beaut grandchildren continue to keep us busy
A couple of health issues mean that my wife and I make sure we take our medications morning and evening.

Just looking at the Marist pages, our lives now would have been impossible to imagine. However, there is still a lot of the boy in all of us, I think; just tempered a bit by experience and (some) wisdom
We love living on the Gold Coast and have a lot of friends, including Kiwis
We’ve experienced good times and hard times and can say that life is just great It’s not always easy but just great. I’ve learned to enjoy the now, look to the good in people, not to carry baggage and to retain my sense of humour when things are not going well.  

boyleaus at gmail.com

John Burke

I have been living and working in the Wellington area since 1968 and have lived in Porirua City for all of that time. I have spent 36 years continuously in public office of one sort or another, including Mayor of Porirua for 15 years and am currently President of the Porirua Licensing Trust. I now sell real estate. My wife Linda and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary on 6th June 2007. We have 2 sons; Dean an architect and Aaron who, like me, sells real estate.

Click here to see John's full CV


jburke at xtra.co.nz
Allan Campbell

Living in Christchurch. I am married to Liz and we have 4 adult children and 4 grandchildren. I retired from the National Library of New Zealand at the end of 2003. Check my web page for more information.


acampbellnz at gmail.com

Peter Chiaroni

Click here to see a photo of Peter's family at his daughter's graduation.

After finishing with university in Christchurch I went to Training College which was enough to put me off  teaching.  I moved to Wellington in the seventies and worked at several jobs the most intriguing of which was with the National Film Library.  I finally got a job in the printing industry working for Whitcoulls.
Margaret and I were married in 1980 and we shifted to Auckland in 1984 where we live on the North Shore in the Birkenhead/Hillcrest area.  We have one daughter, Marie-Louise, who is 21and in her final year at Auckland University. Next year she will start work at North Shore Hospital as a pharmacist.
I am still working but in a much reduced capacity following a kidney transplant in 1998. I have worked for the same company, Moore-Gallagher, for almost 25 years.  Just recently we have been taken over by Wickliffe Press of Dunedin.
I now feel at home in Auckland finally after all these years and Auckland has been good to me.
I have a lovely wife who is a nurse by profession and who knows her way around the medical world and we have wonderful  friends one of whom gave me a kidney long before Joah made it fashionable.
Best wishes to you all.
Peter died in Auckland on 3 October 2019 after a long illness.

Colin Cliene

Colin was a farmer and harness horse trainer at Utopia, Westport. Colin was married to Yvonne and had three children - Nigel, Warrick and Jamie. He enjoyed fine results with a small racing team, his best performers being Gypsy Winkle, who won the 1990 New Zealand Oaks at Addington and Star of Utopia, who won the Rising Stars three-year old championship on the course the same year. Sadly, Colin died at Westport on 16 May 2000.
Yvonne is still working Utopia Farm in Westport with youngest son Jamie,  they are still training and breeding pacers from the Gypsy Winkle/ Star of Utopia family and milking cows etc.  Middle son Warrick is a managing partner with international accountancy firm KPMG in Vietnam where he has been for 10 years.  Oldest son Nigel is based in Westport where he owns and operates the local Toyota service workshop, Hydraulink hoses and Weldwell Agencies employing 5 staff.
Click here to see the full photo of Colin with Kevin Murphy (Colin and Yvonne's best man at their wedding) taken at Westport in 1999. 
John Connolly

I have lived in Christchurch for the last 12 years. Overjoyed to leave school, I was then able to satisfy my passion for speed and motorcycles. Have won five National titles,and heaps of South Island ones,and set a number of speed records which filled in time while working as an Electrician, Electrical Inspector, Electrical Contractor, Contract Manager, and Auditor, all in the Electrical industry. 
Currently working for Transfield Services Infrastructure at the Lyttelton Tunnel complex as the Contract Manager. Married to Lynley for 40 years this year, I have two daughters, one a Physio in Invercargill and one a Squadron Leader in the airforce. Still do a fair amount of racing and we travel at every opportunity. Had a great life and not finished with it yet. I only wish I did not spend so much of it at school.

Click here to see a photo of John racing one of his motorcycles

jconnolly at xtra.co.nz

Terry Crannitch

Living in Frankston, Melbourne

lordyd2003 at yahoo.com.au

Richie Lowe

Living in Auckland. I went to Otago Uni in '65 got Accounting 1 (was best man for Ras's 1st that year), came to Auckland, didn't do too well so dropped out, bought a little fruit and veg business (what else) in Mt Albert for 9 years, sold that, had 18 mths off bumming around, set up a new fruit and veg business in Newmarket (THE place to shop in Auckland now). Rents shot up so had to get out and got out OK, went for a trip to UK and Europe for 6 weeks came back and became a business broker, which I still am today. (you can check me out on www.abcbusiness.co.nz
I got married in 1970 to Shirley and have 2 boys Brendan (36), an accountant for SouthWest Trains in London, Jamie (33) Sales Manager for FujiXerox here In Auckland (has produced us 2 grandchildren, girl 3, boy 3 months) and Angela, 24. just qualified as a physiotherapist. I have been in our house for nearly 30 years, so I lead a very stable life. I still play squash, very involved with my squash club. Titirangi, was President for 4 years and now getting more senior, they've made me Patron. 

rs.lowe at xtra.co.nz

Tony McGowan

Living in Invercargill. After 25 years with Lands & Survey I finished when the Department was broken up as Commissioner of Crown Lands Southland. Since then spent time as Property Manager with Land Corp and assets manager with Knight Frank along with some small time farming. Since 1992 have operated as a private property consultant and currently jointly own and operate a business providing land consultancy and land and survey information to the Crown and Public. My wife Robyn and I have 4 Children 3 sons and a daughter.

robynandtony at xtra.co.nz

Bob McLean

On  leaving  school  I  played  senior  rugby  for  Marist  for thirteen  years  and  held  every   club office from  coach  to  president.
I  have  three  married  children,  two  sons  and  a daughter,  with  eight  grand  children .  the   recent  St  Theresa’s  school  jubilee  was  a  good  occasion   to  renew  friends.
I  have  had  a  full  working  life  in  the  wool,  skin  and  fur  trades  and  held  the  role  of  NZ  Wool  Buyers  president  for  seven  years.  My  companies  have  been  involved  in  all  sectors  of  the  wool  industry  including  processing,  brokering,  scouring  and  exporting.  I  was  also  a  red  deer  farmer. I  have  diversified  now  into  the  commercial  property  field  which  is  less  dependant  on  the  greenies and  exchange rates. I  have  been  privileged  to  be  part  of  a  successful  class  group.

Bob died on 10 October 2021
Click here to see a picture of Bob with a successful catch.

Barrie Molloy

Living near Ashburton. Horse trainer.
Kevin Scully

Living in Invercargill
Pat Spillane

Bruce Thomson

I left school and became a Manufacturing Jeweller finally ending up with my own business with a staff of seven. Got very involved with Jaycees in the heydays of 70s and 80s. Had a year as Regional Governor of Otago Southland Region. I sold out to a staff member and joined AMP being an Agency manger in Manawatu and finally Manager of Taranaki. We were all made redundant around 1992 when AMP changed its mode of operation. 
I worked at a Polytechnic for a couple of years and began work on my Tertiary education. Better late than never I guess and I finished up with a Bachelors degree and a couple of Diplomas. I am in the training and development arena now, working out of Takapuna.
I have two daughters, Maria, an Occupational Psychologist, with a PhD and works at Auckland University and Patrice who with her degree, works in Australia. 
I am involved in skydiving, was an Instructor and Chief Safety Officer at the Aviation Sports Club at Whenuapai. I now just jump for fun. Have had a pilots License since I was 25 but now fly very little. I enjoy the gym and still play a little squash.
I am married to Lyn and we live in Auckland City. Between us we have 6 grandchildren. Still a busy life and retirement seems a long way off.

Updated Bio (Jan 2025)

Since my last bio, my wife Lyn and I shifted to Taupo, where we had a house built to our own design, planning to eventually retire there. We spent eight years getting all that done and getting the landscaping in place. While there, I joined Coastguard Lake Taupo and served three and a half years as an operational crew member, doing rescues of people and towing of boats when they broke down etc. I was also on their Board for two of those. I learned a lot about boats and boating. We realized, as our family grew to eight grandchildren, that we were only seeing them a few times a year, as all the grandkids live in Auckland. One daughter lives in Australia. Also, having lived in Auckland for a long time, we missed all that Auckland offered.  A couple of years ago, we decided to shift back to Auckland and bought a new house on the North Shore and slowly worked to get that and the land where we want it. We enjoy family time and attend sports days and get involved with their activities where we can. I also work out at the Gym several times a week to keep fit. 
I sold my Skydiving gear a couple of years ago after over 30 years of enjoying a lot of good fun and interesting experiences. Part of that was being part of a NZ record in a formation of jumpers over 60 years of age. Fun to do and not difficult as there are not many people over 60 still jumping. I have done a bit of flying and just recently decided to not renew my Pilots Licence.

I still enjoy working a few hours a week, although more behind the scenes, trying not to get in the way of our team. My website says about our company.  www.fortunaintl.co.nz  This kind of work has afforded us the opportunity to travel to the annual conferences in Europe where we added on some side trips, as we enjoy travelling.  Since Covid, the conferences are now held in the USA. Its good to see that everyone is doing well and enjoying life. Long may that continue. Take care everyone.

bruce at fortunaintl.co.nz

David Wells

Click here to see an article and a photo of The Echophonics at a recent reunion concert in Invercargill.

Living in Christchurch. Music, not schooling, was my biggest influence during my formative years and I was part of The Echophonics pop group for a number of years. I took up plumbing as a trade and to my dismay am still doing it. I am married with 4 grown up family and 2 step-children. My wife and I moved to Brisbane in 1986 and lived there for 19 years before returning to Ch-Ch where most of our family and grand kids are. Never an academic, I continue to ply my trade.

ethne.dave at  xtra.co.nz




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